How Do I Find Meaning in Life? I Want to Feel more Fulfilled.

I regularly see posts asking about fulfilment and how to find meaning in life, and when I read the replies, I often wonder if the person asking the question found them helpful. Because, here’s the thing.

There is no magic formula that works for everyone.

No-one can tell you what you need to do to create meaning and purpose in your life because what might work for them might be completely different for you. If they’ve started helping out at an animal rescue charity and have found this fulfilling, it’s pointless telling others to do the same because if they aren’t animal lovers or if they have allergies, it’s unlikely to float their boat. Plus, they might not have the time and money to be able to work as a volunteer. They may discover that teaching local Pilates classes gives them the sense of purpose they want - and some income.

Another reason why the one-size-fits-all approach to fulfilment doesn’t work is because, as research has shown for decades, films and TV peddle so many myths about what should make people feel fulfilled that these ideas become part of what we all think and believe. We absorb the messages without even realising it! People around us echo similar ideas, and we don’t question them because, at an unconscious level, they sound familiar - although we often cannot put our finger on where they originally came from. Psychology calls this social crypto-amnesia. It’s fascinating … (but a topic for another post!)

The only way to find meaning in life is to tune into what matters to you. This involves tuning out all the white noise and unhelpful messages. It means exploring the many myths that get passed from one generation to another. Here are a few of these. I’m sure you’ve heard them muttered:

- It’s self-indulgent to want fulfilment in life

- It’s all about the job, the house, the car & the new phone

- No-one’s life is perfect. You just have to make the best of the hand you’ve been dealt

- It’s too late now

But - you know what?

None of these is helpful. None of these answers the question. They all shame people for wanting more - or for not wanting what society tells us we should want. If you feel unfulfilled, that is a symptom that’s worth listening to. How is shaming you into silence going to help you? It simply creates generations of unhappy people and increases mental health needs.

After my mum died, I realised that life is far too short to spend it feeling unfulfilled and wanting more; too short to spend it living a life based on other people’s ideas. I believe more than anything that it’s never too late to create the life YOU want and that there is NO one-size-fits-all. In addition, with the COVID pandemic, so many people are re-evaluating what’s important to them. I know I have been. Both of these are why I developed my course, YOUR PATH TO FULFILMENT - Create a Life with Purpose and Meaning, which is currently FREE. If you’re fed up with feeling flat, uninspired and despondent, you don’t have to feel that way.

Why not enrol now?



Vicky Newham